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Maison William Wakeham

186 Rue de la Reine, Gaspé , Quebec G4X 1T6


Food Restaurant

186 Rue de la Reine,
Gaspé, Quebec
G4X 1T6

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+1 418-368-5537

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(5 / 5) based on 1 reviews

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  • We were there in late September, early in the evening, so it wasn't very busy. The service was excellent and the server very friendly and considerate. The wine list was great for this region, and our wine was excellent. The food was the best part - it was marvellous - the best meal we have had since we left home a month and a half ago. Superb. Too bad they close at the end of September until next spring.
    By Mark Wilson, December 29, 2016
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About Maison William Wakeham in Gaspé

Maison William Wakeham is a food and restaurant in Gaspé, Quebec. Maison William Wakeham is located at 186 Rue de la Reine.

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